
1.0 Account setup

Week Service Guide
01 Slack Slack SI 506 workspace signup
01 O’Reilly Learning Platform O’Reilly Learning Platform school account

2.0 Install guides

2.1 macOS

Week Software Guide
01 Python 3.x macOS: Installing Python 3.x
01 VS Code macOS: Installing Visual Studio Code
01 VS Code VS Code: Installing Github Copilot
04 VS Code VS Code debugger: launch.json settings
14 Requests library macOS: Install the Requests package using pip
14 Requests library Anaconda: Update the Requests package using conda
NA Python 3.x Python virtual environments

2.2 Windows 11

Week Software Guide
01 Python 3.x Windows 11: Installing Python 3.x
01 VS Code Windows 11: Installing Visual Studio Code
01 VS Code VS Code: Installing Github Copilot
04 VS Code VS Code debugger: launch.json settings
14 Requests library Windows: Install the Requests package using pip
14 Requests library Anaconda: Update the Requests package using conda
NA Python 3.x Python virtual environments

2.3 Windows 10

Week Software Guide
01 Python 3.x Windows 10: Installing Python 3.x
01 VS Code Windows 10: Installing Visual Studio Code
01 VS Code VS Code: Installing Github Copilot
04 VS Code VS Code debugger: launch.json settings
14 Requests library Windows: Install the Requests package using pip
14 Requests library Anaconda: Update the Requests package using conda
NA Python 3.x Python virtual environments